ESSENTIAL FUTURE BASS VOL 1 - PC/Mac - ACIDized WAV Files/Apple Loops/AIFF Files/REX2 Loops/Reason ReFill/MIDI - Royalty-free - £29.95/34,25 EUR d/load

PL says: 'Essential Future Bass Vol 1' from Producer Loops is the first in a brand new series of downtempo ultra-modern Future Bass Construction Kits, bringing five perfectly mixed inspiring tracks straight to your studio. You'll find razor sharp production and accessible progressions and melodies sure to inspire your next Future Bass hit track.'
And they are not wrong. This collection is ace with the usual shedloads of stuff in five packed construction kits which come in (key/tempo) E/95; two in B/95; A/95 and C/100.
Each kit is split into 3 sub-folders containing the loops. MIDI and one-shots. Not only that but click on the loops folder and you get four more folders which are dry, wet, wet with no sidechain and some great 'wet with tail' loops to avoid abrupt endings and which is a Producer Loops exclusive.
You also get lots of vox bits too - some good tuned/pitched chops, swells and grunts - which brings a new dimension to a straightforward composition.
You also get lots of leads, plucks, pianos, synths, drums, flutes, percs, basslines, sequencers, uplifts etc - the works.
I always say this after the first one in a series rolls out but ROLL ON Volume 2, because, simply, you sure can't have too much of a good thing!
So click the link below which will whizz you straight to the product page, listen to the streaming audio, grab some free samples from the pack then buy as always with security and confidence.
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