CHILLOUT PROGRESSIONS VOL 3 - PC/Mac - ACIDized WAV Files/REX/Ableton Live Pack 8.1.3+/Apple Loops/AIFF Files/Reason ReFill/MIDI - Royalty-free - £49.95 / 60,75 EUR. d/load

PL says: 'Chillout Progressions Vol 3' marks the triumphant return of this genre-traversing series of emotive, ethereal, and truly ground-breaking sample packs. Elevate your consciousness as rich pads give way to precision-executed Breakbeat sections, driving basslines, expansive soundscapes, lounge style keys and sparse guitar lines. With an undeniably relaxed vibe, this library is perfect for crafting hazy, dusky Chillout jams and gives you all of the elements you need to take full control of your production.
'Like its predecessors, the long-awaited follow-up in this blissful series successfully defies all genre boundaries. All of the sounds heard within these deeply layered loops have been expertly crafted by producer Harald Karla, resulting in a unique soundset that breaks free from the traditional palette of tones heard within the Chillout genre.'
It sure is an amazing library packed full of goodies and it's not just 'ear candy' it contains lots of 'out there' stuff as well so you are defintely not stuck in the 'Chillout past'.
All key and tempo labelled, you get five kits which are:
Back again - F at 80bpm; Sunset - A at 127bpm; Morning Yellow - Dm at 129bpm; Synced - Cm at 87bpm and Inner Journey in E at 71bpm.
Each kit comes with five sub-folders which house FX Tails, Main Loops, MIDI files, One Shots and Unlooped Riffs and of course a demo of each track.
A nice touch indeed is that the kits come with intro, chorus, bridge and outro to make life easier but as always, don't be afraid to mix and match to your heart's content.
Open up a kit and you'll literally be blown away with what you get. From cracking drums, basslines, Rhodes and saws to bells, pads and phaser strings, its all here. And of course having Harald Karla at the heml means everything is of superior quality.
A deffo 10 out of 10 for this beauty.
Click on the link below to be taken to the product page; hear the streaming audio and even grab some freebies from the pack then buy with confidence and security.
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