TROPICAL HOUSE VOCALS VOL 1 - PC/Mac - ACIDized WAV/Apple Loops/AIFF Files/REX2 Loops/Reason ReFill/ Ableton Live Pack 8.1.3+/MIDIU - Royalty-free - £34.95/41,74 EUR d/load.
What's extra pleasing is they follow the trend of many a vox producer out there in loopland in that the vocal tracks are split up into acapellas, harmonies and lead vocals for ultimate flexibility.
So, you can, yet again, easily mix and match to your heart's content, and, as always, they timestretch up and down without any loss of audio quality so you can easily slap them into a hip-hop track if you fancy it just for something different.
They all come in wet and dry versions too.
You get the usual five kits which come in: A and B at 90bpm; F at 95bpm and C and G# which groove along at 100bpm. so as I've already said, chillout. hip-hop, easy listening are at your fingertips plus of course Tropical House!!!
The kits also come with tail versions to make life easier when trying to work out an ending other than an abrubt cut-off (which lazy gits like me often use).
As always, user-friendly, top value and really enjoyable.
Here's a track I did using a vox folder from the pack plus adding some other stuff from PL libraries
So, click the link below to be taken straight to the product page, grab some free samples while listening to the streaming audio then buy with security and confidence.
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