DnB delight

Drum & Bass Tip Trixxx Vol 3 - PC/Mac - ACIDized WAV/Apple Loops/AIFF/REX2/Reason ReFill/MIDI/Absynth/FMI/Massive presets - Royalty-free - £29.95 / 35,76 EUR / $41.47 US - d/load 

Hold on to your hats with this lot as you'll be whisked away into the land of 174 beats per minute - fast or what?

Years ago we used to think trance was fast when it sped along at what seemed a breathtaking 140bpm. Since DnB arrived on the scene other genres seem dead slow and, well, compare DnB with hip-hop's 90bpm and you are transported into another world.

In this collection you get more than 600mb of drum-melting sounds but that's not all. Producer Loops has given us 'three libraries in one' - the construction kits folder contains 11 complete kits and more than 200 MB of content consisting of full mix loops, drums, bass and synth/FX loops. 

The kits also come with an A and B section plus the full mixes included are ideal for newbies or for simply inserting into your own track for more variation.

You also lay your hands on a stuffed drums folder in which you get breaks, FX fllls, kicks, snares, rides (with and without tails) and good old tom fills.

What more could any DnB fans ask for?

Head over to the site by clicking the link below, grab a few free samples from this pack - and also listen to the streaming audio - then buy with confidence and security - ENJOY!
