New label, Nu House

Nu Deep House Sessions 1 - Transmission - PC/Mac - ACIDized WAV/Apple Loops/AIFF/ MIDI/REX2/OMF/Reason ReFill - £49.95 d/load

MORE bang for your buck or what?

New label Transmission has certainly delivered the goods with this, their first outing.

Not only do you get five construction kits but also EIGHT folders packed with bass drums, bonus melodies, bonus MIDI, claps, drum loops, FX, snares and perc.

The construction kits rattle along at 122,123,124, 126 and 130bpm, so plenty of scope there for ramping up the speed or slowing it down - whatever you fancy - and the keys are two in Cm, and one each in Dm, D#m and A#m.
WOW!! What a parcel pf pleasure.

All of the construction kits contain a variety of banging basslines, chords, stabs, hits etc and then you plunge into the depths of the bonus folders to expand your track with, say, a melody line.

Don't think for one minute you are restricted to using the kits themselves though because the bonus melodies come in the keys of A#, C#, D, E, F, F# and G.

Then of course just add in your percs, drums, claps and FX from the other folders and you have new horizons to discover.

And never forget that all Transmission products are 100 per cent royalty-free so once purchased you can use these loops in your commercial releases without having to pay any hidden costs.

There is MIDI as well so you can plug in your fave instrument plus yet another bonus of OMF sounds.


The OMF (Open Media Framework, also known as OMFI (Open Media Framework Interchange) file format is typically used to exchange data with Digidesign Pro Tools software - and here is a list of what gear will work with OMF stuff: Ableton, AudioDesk, Cubase, Digital Performer, Logic, Nuendo, Pro Tools, Pyramix, Sadie, Samplitude, Sonar and Soundtrack Pro.

So, can you ask for more from a debut library from a debut album? No way. And here's to the ongoing success of the new Transmission label.

As always, head over to the site via the link below, listen to the streaming audio demo, download a few free samples from this collection then buy with security and confidence.
